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4454 / Batpeople
1465838 / 4454 / Batpeople. 4454 / Batpeople: PHILIPPINES, MANILA, 05.12.2007: For disportion, they organised a pool table from the harbour, which was set up next to the bridge. Instead of playing with balls, they use disks. Normal shopping station under the bridge. The best-selling goods of the kiosk are cigarettes and soft drinks.----- They constructed their homes under the bridges of the Philippine 15 million metropolis Manila. Tiny shacks, shaking when lorries pass over the bridge. They live like bats in the dark under it. That is how they got their nickname: Bat people. In total 40 families live in the shanty town under the Navotas Bridge2. ТWe live under ManilaХs most expensive roof,У they like to make fun of themselves. Most of the times two or three families live in a poor shack made out of garbage that they found in the waters of the harbour. Since several generations now, they life here. They learned how to organize themselves and to live with their situation. Strong families and a distinctive neighbourly help, help to create moments full of happiness. Meanwhile, the community voted a police officer, there is a small kiosk and for disportion a pool table next to the bridge. In 2010 the government wants to clear the settlement under the bridge. Than they want to built a new street and the bat people need to move.
05 декабря 2007 00:00
Номер фото: #1465838
Размер макс: 4252x2835
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Размер фото     Цена у.е.    

   Обложка     120.00
   1-ая полоса газеты     65.00
   Разворот (от 1/1 до 2/1 A4)     85.00
   Страница (от 1/2 до 1/1 A4)     55.00
   1/2 A4 (до 21x15 см)     30.00
   1/4 A4 (до 15x10.5 см)     27.00
   1/8 A4 (до 10.5x7.5 см)     23.00
   "марка" (до 4.2x3 см)     18.00

4454 / Batpeople: PHILIPPINES, MANILA, 05.12.2007: For disportion, they organised a pool table from the harbour, which was set up next to the bridge. Instead of playing with balls, they use disks. Normal shopping station under the bridge. The best-selling goods of the kiosk are cigarettes and soft drinks.----- They constructed their homes under the bridges of the Philippine 15 million metropolis Manila. Tiny shacks, shaking when lorries pass over the bridge. They live like bats in the dark under it. That is how they got their nickname: Bat people. In total 40 families live in the shanty town under the Navotas Bridge2. ТWe live under ManilaХs most expensive roof,У they like to make fun of themselves. Most of the times two or three families live in a poor shack made out of garbage that they found in the waters of the harbour. Since several generations now, they life here. They learned how to organize themselves and to live with their situation. Strong families and a distinctive neighbourly help, help to create moments full of happiness. Meanwhile, the community voted a police officer, there is a small kiosk and for disportion a pool table next to the bridge. In 2010 the government wants to clear the settlement under the bridge. Than they want to built a new street and the bat people need to move.

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